When i write any file into the repository from Java API or Dotnet services using writeResource(), then I am not able to see this resource from Application View in Work bench.
Though i am able to read the resource using API but not able to open it from Work bench.
Can any one tell me why this is happening???
Solved! Go to Solution.
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You'll only be able to modify files that are under the Application folder in the repository using Workbench. The main Application folder in the repository is kind of Workbench's space.
If you have a file outside of that Application folder, it'll show up in the Resource view.If you want to modify it, you'll have to import it in an application. You can right-click on an application in the Application view and select Import/Resource and select the file you want to import.
Once the file is imported in an application, you'll be able to modify it using Workbench (but you're going to modify the version of that file that's now under the Application folder and not the original one).
I hope this is not too confusing.
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I am putting writing file under Applications/ProcessApplication/1.0/Test Folder.
Yes, I can use Import/Export, but the problem is that I can import an LCA but can not export it.
Means--- We have process to upload an LCA to the server but to create LCA import API doesnt works.
I want to build an application which will migrate only updated file to the another server.
Struture on both server gonna be the same, but if i update any file on server1. Only those specific file should move to another server automatically.
I can check this by comparing meta data of the files. If they are different then i can write or update the file on another server.
So this is my requirement.
If i use import export, then i need to create lca, which is manual process and difficult to search updated files in a batch file repository.
so i am avoiding this..
Please suggest me.. or let me know if you need further clarification on what i wanna do..
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It's been several months since you posted, so I'm not sure whether you still need this, However, I'm trying to do the same thing -- migrate only the new or changed forms between servers using the RepositoryService APIs, and I think I've found something that works.
When I drag a resource into an application in ES2, the resource ends up with a ResourceProperty collection. When I add a resource using the writeResource API call, however, this ResourceProperty collection is not created. After some trial and error, I found that I could create a ResourceProperty collection when I create the Resource itself and then use the writeResource API call to add the resource to an application.
The ResourceProperty that makes the resource visible is in the "System" namespace. It's named "PRIMARY" and should have the value of
I use the .NET APIs, not the Java APIs, but I think the concept would be the same. In the code below, "ES2RepositoryService" is a web reference to the LC ES2 repository service and "OriginalBlob" is the Blob read in from the region from which I'm migrating.
Dim ES2LC As New ES2RepositoryService.RepositoryServiceService
ES2LC.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(<logon>, <password>)
Dim NewBLOB As New ES2RepositoryService.BLOB
NewBLOB.contentType = OriginalBLOB.contentType
NewBLOB.binaryData = OriginalBLOB.binaryData
Dim NewContent As New ES2RepositoryService.ResourceContent
NewContent.dataDocument = NewBLOB
NewContent.size = NewBLOB.binaryData.Length
Dim NewResource As New ES2RepositoryService.Resource
NewResource.id = New ES2RepositoryService.Id
NewResource.lid = New ES2RepositoryService.Lid
NewResource.content = NewContent
NewResource.name = <resource name>
NewResource.description = <resource description>
'add properties
Dim testProps(0) As ES2RepositoryService.ResourceProperty
Dim newProp As ES2RepositoryService.ResourceProperty
'this one makes it visible in Workbench
newProp = New ES2RepositoryService.ResourceProperty
newProp.name = "PRIMARY"
newProp.namespace = "System"
newProp.value = "true"
testProps(0) = newProp
NewResource.resourceProperties = testProps
ES2LC.writeResource(<new resource path>, NewResource, Nothing, Nothing)
Setting this "PRIMARY" property seems to be the trick to making the resource visible under the application in Workbench.
When I drag a resource in, many other resource properties are generated as well, and these can be added just as the "PRIMARY" property was. In my case I saw the following in the resourceProperties collection:
In the "System" namespace:
LASTUPDATEDBY - name of the last user who updated the resource
PRIMARY - "true"
VISIBILITY - this had the value of "Private"
PUBLISHEDSTATUS - this was valued as "InProgress"
RESOURCETYPE - this had the value of "TLO"
Deployment Version - Nothing
Deployment ID - Nothing
In the "Custom" namespace:
extension "xdp"
scope "Far"
isApplication "false"
If the resource is an XDP that has a relationship to another file (an XSD, for example) another ResourceProperty is created where
the value is the path to the related file and the namespace is "Reference".
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Hi dclynch_igh,
I encountered the same problem and after following your solution, I was able to view the resources in the workbench.
Thank you very much for your sharing,
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