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Reset Form button showing as Submit Form button?


Former Community Member


I have run into an odd issue that I can not figure out.  For the past year, I have been creating and manually distributing various forms to our Sales Engineering group and outside partners.  These forms are all designed from a common template we developed that includes a standard “Reset Form” button.  Upon sending out a new form, I received an email with a screen shot that showed the Reset Form button as “Submit Form”.  The partner went on to say that they thought it was the same as another form they have from me, which also shows a Reset Button as “Submit Form”

The end user states they are using Adobe 8.1.4.  The forms were developed (9 Pro) LC Designer ES 8.2 and are set to be 8.0 or higher compatible.  This is the first time I have heard of this and cannot figure out the cause.  The label on the canned button itself is being changed from Reset to Submit. 

Does anyone have any thoughts as to what would cause this and how to correct?  I can not assume that this is the only time this has happened, but it is the first I am hearing of it.

Thank you and my apologies if this should have gone to another forum group 

Chris Link, CTS, EAVA

Sr. Design Engineer

1 Reply


Former Community Member

I have not heard of this before .....can you send the template to LiveCycle8@gmail.com so I can investigate? Please include a description of the issue in the email.
