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require user (not creator) to set password?


Former Community Member

Hello, I have created an incident report using Adobe Livecycle Desiger. These forums have been very helpful in answering my questions about expandable fields and the form is done except for my question about password protection.  I know how to set a password on the file but I don't want to do this. The file is not sensitive until the answers are entered. At that point, I would like to require the user to password-protect the file using his or her own password before they can save their responses. Does anyone know how to do this? In other words, is it possible to create a PDF file that requires the user (not me, the creator) to define a password prior to saving it? The reason I would like this functionality is because not everyone is necessarily tech-savvy and I would like to make this a requirement so that they never forget to password-protect the file. Does anyone know how to do this?

I have been looking into this and this functionality does not seem to be available. I think that this would be a useful feature for Adobe to introduce. The most I can do to make the file read-only so that I force them to save it again, rename the file and hopefully jog their memory then and there to password-protect it.

Thanks for any advice or workarounds you may have.


1 Reply


Level 10


I have an example here of something similar: https://acrobat.com/#d=eFWndvuG-gt8GedvI-2erw. This uses a HASH function to keep the password secure (see here for more details and links Re: Password protect subforms).

You could check our Paul's example for 'Locking all fields' - a quick search of the forums should bring it up.

  • You could set up a button to ask the user for their password (twice)
  • Generate a HASH string from the password
  • Store the HASH string in a hidden textfield
  • The script would initiate 'Lock all fields' function
  • When the user click an unlock button they would be asked for there password.
  • Their input would be converted to a HASH string and if that matches the value in the hidden textfield, all the fields would be unlocked.

Just an outline,
