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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Repeating Sections


Level 4

Hey Everyone,

I have a bit of an issue that is stumping me.  Here is a bit of background:

I have a multi-page form, and the hierarchy is something like this:





     |-->Table (takes up the whole space)




Now, what I'm looking to do (scripting in Javascript), is:

if subformB fills up completely before reaching Page2's Table, I need the left over data from Page1.subformB to continue on into Page3.subformB.  Until this happens though, Page3.subformB should be hidden.

Is this possible?  Any hints or solutions?  If you would like clarification, please ask.

Thank you,


5 Replies


Level 10

While you have the subform selected go to the Pagination tab on the Object palette. At the bottom is a section "If Dataset Must Be Paginated" - you can select a page or content area to go to.

Not sure how that will actually flow with your two subforms on page 3 you'll have to play around with it - you might need to set up a new content area on page 3 to receive the overflow.


Level 4

Thanks for your quick response, I fiddled around with it a bit and still haven't been able to get anything to work. I've attached a form that I've been messing around with if that would help you see what I'm trying and where I'm going wrong.  Thanks again.


Level 4

How about





     |-->Table (takes up the whole space)



If page1.subformB fills up

   then it continues on page 3

No need to have a page3.subformB wait for page1.subformB to fill up,  let alone it being visible/hidden.  No need for scripting, either.  The regular Subform tab should suffice.


Level 10

Well, I've been playing around with pagination settings a bit and can't seem to figure a way to skip over an intermediate page...maybe Paul or somebody has an idea?

I just tried making a sample document that is set up kind of like what you've got and it always inserts a page before page 2.

So unless someone else has something, why not just have the table on page 2 follow the first subform? Why bother splitting the data around the table?


Level 10


You could set up the add button to check the height of the Part1 subform and Part2 subform first. Then if the combined height is less than the height of the page, then add a row. Otherwise set the focus to page 3 (or alert the user).

var vHeight = xfa.layout.h(Part1) + xfa.layout.h(Part2);


if (vHeight <= "720")


     var newrow = Table2.Row3.instanceManager.addInstance();






Sample attached. I changed the units to "points" to work out the 720 height. Then changed it back to inches.

Hope that helps,
