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Rendering formguide in 8.0 /8.2


Former Community Member


  I created a process which is exposed as a webservice to render formguide. When I see the output it is a blank screen. It seems the flash palyer got loaded in it but it shows just a blank screen. If I use renderPDF service, I could see the pdf document in the output. Did I miss any specific configuration settings for the formguide?

  I also tried executing the process by invoking it from livecycle. the output parameter I gave is of type document. When I run the service, it executes without exceptions and it is allowing me to store the output file to my location. When I opened the ouput with IE, I dont see any form guide showing over there. If I do the same process for renderpdf form, it is showing perfect. did I miss any configuration settings when I'm using renderformguide service?



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Former Community Member

You never actually stated what it is you are trying to do so it is hard to give advice.

The CB value determines what you want to recieve back from teh Renderform call. If it is true the you will recieve back a swf file. If yo make it false then you will get back an HTML file that when loaded will retrieve the SWf file and load any assciated data into it. In most cases it is the HTML file that you want and not the swf file.


View solution in original post

18 Replies


Former Community Member


  Now I see a bit of improvement. I could see a blank formguide in the output document when I'm using render form guide. just the styles are loaded. But no panels, no sections & no fields in the output. I Installed flash player 10, 8.2 latest patch..still I dont know what the problem. I tried to check with one of the predefined adobe samples. even that is behaving in the same way.

please help if anyone faced this issue.




Former Community Member

If you render as a PDF does the data appear?

Is there scripting in the XDP? Does the guide display from Preview in Designer?



Former Community Member

Thanks for the response.

Yes..if I'm using render PDF service, it's working fine. I tried with a simple form as well with no scripting. And the guide displays the preview perfectly from the designer. I tried with Adobe samples as well. Still I see the blank form guide with styles loaded. ( I can say the styles are loaded because the style I'm using for my form guide got a image in the back ground and I see the same image in the blank output)

    Here is the attached image.




Former Community Member

Do you have scripting on the form?

Can you post the form so I can try it here?



Former Community Member

Hi Paul,

  I attached lca file which includes my process, xdp file and xml data. Please revert if you need further information.




Former Community Member

Are you trying to save the Guide so that you can use it offline? If so that is not supported. The RenderForm call creates an HTML wrapper as well as the swf file that you are seeing. You need to generate the HTML wrapper for the data to be filled as that is what will broker the data into the form. This is controlled by the Cb parameter in the renderform call. If you change it to false then HTML will be created and you can see the call backs that it does (as well as load the SWF).

If you use a task manager endpoint so that the guide is displayed in workspace then all works fine.

Make sense?



Former Community Member

Thanks Paul. I'm not looking to store the form guide offline.

On your suggestion, I changed the cb value to False and invoked the process from Workbench 8.2.

I see the output variable which I tried to open using internet explorer, I see the html page with script on it.

I could see swf file referenced in the page. Do I need to open it using another program so that I see the direct form guide with no html page with the script?

Can't I see the formguide flash file using workbench process invocation? Here is the attached html page what I see in the output. Am I missing any conceptual understanding over here?


Former Community Member

If you look at the HTML file you will see that there are links back to the server to get the swf file, the pdf file

and other associated js files. Are all of these links absolute or relative references?

Also you may be running into a security issue where the browser is loading the HTML file from one location (c:/) and the SWF is being loaded from another. I believe there is security in plcae to stop this from happening (so that phishing cannot occur). I do not know how to turn that off but I am looking into it. Lastly there might also be a cross domain issue but I will not  know until we get these other things straightened out.



Former Community Member

Hi Paul,

    All the links are absolute references. And I'm using the same process I sent you before with cb parameter changed to false. That gives me the HTML output. I tried to remove the security for browser and tried. Still I see the same problem.

Let me know if you need further inputs from my end.




Former Community Member

Ok I found the seciurity issue. You have to tell the Flash player to allow the swf to be loaded

from a different location. I am running on a Windows 7 system that has Designer, full LC on it. Look in this location for cfg files:

C:\Users\pguerett\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust

If you are using a different version of Windows then it wil likely be in:

C:\Documents and Settings\pguerett\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust

Substitute your logged in username for pguerett. There shodul be a couple of cfg files there. Edit one if them (I chose the guidebuilder file) and add an entry for the location of where you put the HTML file.

Try it again and see if it works.



Former Community Member

Hi Paul..

  I tried the same way you said. But I see the same output as earlier.

I will brief the activities to check if i'm going wrong.

When I invoke the process (which contain only one service renderformguide) that has output of variable type document, I see the output popup saying view document or save document. I press view document and I'm seeing the HTML output file (named outputdoc) that I sent to you earlier.

Here is the url of html i see when view document: C:\Documents and Settings\kc\Local settings\Temp\workbench_documents\invoke-output  (kc is my system name)

These are the files I see over there. one is outputdoc.swf, outputdoc, and vr814jaxekd4fz4bxmh7r02mm00000ic.pdf

(outputdoc is the variable name I gave in the output parameter of renderformguide service)

I edited the existing url (C:\Documents and Settings\pguerett\Application Data\Adobe\Designer\plugins\GuideBuilder)

for the config file(guidebuilder.cfg) in C:\Documents and Settings\pguerett\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#Security\FlashPlayerTrust

with this url:  C:\Documents and Settings\kc\Local settings\Temp\workbench_documents\invoke-output.

Still I see the same html page output.

Correct me if I'm wrong anywhere. And my OS is Windows XP SP3.




Former Community Member


  Do I need to install the SP3 patch for this to work? Because, I read it somewhere saying without SP3 & with Adobe Flash player 10, there are some compatibility issues. Even i'm facing some issue with ReaderExtensions ES portal where when I tried to reader extend a form, it is going on a infinite loop saying downloading and not giving any output.

If so, can you provide the link to get this SP3 pack in the internet to download? I searched in the google and couldn't get it.




Former Community Member

I have SP3 installed and I am not seeing the issue so I will say yes ou need to install it.

Here is what I did to make it work.

1. I modified your process to return HTML back by updating the CB parameter to false.

2. I modifed the file that was written to the system to reflect HTML and not a SWF.

3. Modifed the security parameter on my system to include the location where i stored the HTML file.

4. Viewed the HTML fiel to ensure that all links were absolute and not relative.

5. Double clicked the HTML file and the guide appeared (with data).



Former Community Member

Hi Paul,

     Can you provide me the url where I can update the SP3 to my system. My current version is 8.2.1.

I tried it in http://www.adobe.com/support/products/enterprise/support_knowledge_center_livecycle_ES_server.html

But here the SP3 pack can only be applied to the version 8.0.

I searched in other blogs for particular update to 8.2 where they say to contact the Adobe technical team.

This will help me to resolve the Form Guide rendering issue.




Former Community Member

I think you have to contact support to get that SP. I do not think it is visible in the public domain and access is controlled by support.

But I am not sure!



Former Community Member

Hi Paul,

    I downgraded my Flash Player to 9.0 and tried to render the form. I see the same HTML i used to see earlier. (here cb = false)

I changed the cb parameter value to true and rendered the output. Now I see the actual form guide rendering in the output which resolves my issue. How is this cb parameter controlling the output? So, for my forms to be developed in future, should I keep the cb value to true or false? If I keep it false, I'm just seeing the HTML output.

Can you suggest me on how to proceed on this?




Correct answer by
Former Community Member

You never actually stated what it is you are trying to do so it is hard to give advice.

The CB value determines what you want to recieve back from teh Renderform call. If it is true the you will recieve back a swf file. If yo make it false then you will get back an HTML file that when loaded will retrieve the SWf file and load any assciated data into it. In most cases it is the HTML file that you want and not the swf file.



Former Community Member

Thanks a lot for your time Paul.

Your answers gave me a direction in implementing form guides

The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> liqladmin("SELECT id, value FROM metrics WHERE id = 'net_accepted_solutions' and user.id = '${acceptedAnswer.author.id}'").data.items [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 41] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)?? ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign answerAuthorNetSolutions = li... [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 5] ----