Hi Folks,
I'm using the simpleChatModel::clear() to remove the history node as OWNER. Everything looks fine from a web base client. I check it in the AFCS Developer console and all the history nodes are gone. Everything is working fine. I reconnect to the chat no problem, I check in the AFCS Dev console, the history is as I would expect. persistItems is checked as is allowPrivateMessages.
I come back some time afterwards and all the history nodes have returned.
As before I have a working chat deployed for a customer and it's been reasonably stable. I've gone back to the simple chat as an install as a prototype and now I'm having this problem.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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I just wanted to follow up on this chat history issue. I hope the fix I gave earlier worked for you.
Anyways, we have put a cleaner fix on the server and it will be updated with the next-drop in coming weeks.
Hironmay Basu
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I tried to reproduce your problem but couldn't. Here is what I did on my side:
a) Created an example with SimpleChat and a function that calls SimpleChatModel::Clear()
b) Logged into room. Typed something.
c) Also logged into room console. Could see those message items in room console.
d) Called SimpleChatModel::Clear(). It cleared the chat and also I couldn’t find any messages in the room console any more. Everything seemed cleared
e) I disconnected and came in again after some time. Couldn’t see any messages in chat as expected.
Regarding properties like persistitems and allowPrivateMessages. When you call clear function, it deletes the nodes and immediately recreates the nodes with the default nodeconfiguration. So, if you have changed anything through console on the node config property, they won't remain.
Let me know if I need to do something else to reproduce your problem.
Hope this helps
Hironmay Basu
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Hi Hironmay,
Thanks for getting back to me, I appreciate how much effort you guys put into supporting LCCS.
Is there any way of looking at the logs for my room? I was one of the account which got corrupted during the rollout in the April timeframe, so (only) after reading your test case and triage, I'm wondering if my room is corrupted. I'm create a new room and try again and get back to you.
It's interesting to me that the messages which are 'reappearing' start with a number 132 and not 101 similar. I'm currently on message 157.
Thanks again, I'll repost later today.
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No Problem. There were things changed in April release pertaining to nodeConfiguration properties such as lazySubscription, allowPrivateMessages and p2pDataMessaging. These new configurations can sometime affect the existing rooms. So, It could be the case for you.
Let us know the result with a new room.
Hironmay Basu
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So far so good with a new room. Thanks for your reply, it triggered my memory.
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No go, I tried with a new room. It's almost a day later and the chat history reappears. Please help@
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This is very weird. I will create a new room , run a chat, delete history and again come back as you mentioned in a day to try and reproduce. So, It might take us some time. I will let you know If I am able to reproduce your problem in a day or two. I can then look into details if I am able to reproduce as to why it happens. This is bit weird since we never had this complaints from any other user using chat.
Thanks for reporting.
Hironmay Basu
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Hi ,
You know I tried this out once every day for last 3 days but couldn’t reproduce. And my history always remains cleared. Can you give me a url of a room which you don’t use. I can run on that to test this issue.
Hope this helps
Hironmay Basu
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Hi Hironmay,
Sent you a pm with the room URL? Were you able to take look?
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No, I don't normally check forum pms. Please inform me whenever you send pm. I will run tomorrow and get back to you.
Hironmay Basu
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Hi ,
I got the url but I am getting permission error. Set up a simplechat and tell me the id of it so that I can enter the room.
I am running this.
<rtc:ConnectSessionContainer id="cSession" width="100%" height="100%" roomURL="Your room url" >
<rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator userName="Hironmay"/>
<rtc:SimpleChat width="250" height="250"/>
Hironmay Basu
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Sorry about that. The node id is the default: 'default_SimpleChat'. The code you sent me runs no that I've come in as owner. I don't understand how you are going to clear the chat, without being owner. Thanks again for the help, sorry for the thrash.
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I've set up as instructed and tested without login. Hoping you can test. I'm still getting this. I logged in with the simple chat and cleared all the nodes and a few hours later everything re-appears. I'm baffled. Please help. I need to ship this feature, but cannot do in the state that it's in.
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Hi Doug,
I will spend my time again in weekend to try and reproduce this issue. Unfortunately, last time I couldn't. But this time I will try again many times with multiple hour gap.
I will get back to you again on Monday with results.
Hironmay Basu
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Hi Hironmay, Thanks a ton for looking at this again. I'll look forward to seeing what you find. Thanks again.
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Hi DaddyDog,
I have some good news and some bad news.
Good news is that I could reproduce your issue many times trying from this morning from a network outside Adobe(from home). I couldn't reproduced it within Adobe Network last time. But I can now reproduce the issue many times. Moreover, I could reproduce this issue both in new rooms (created after april or ones with new domain) and also in old rooms. So, its independant of room creation timings.
Bad news is that, even after scratching from morning, I havent been able to generate a clean fix, primarily because the clean fix isn't on the client SDK. This bug happens in my opinion as a race condition when you clear chat history, the nodes are deleted and recreated immediately inside model.clear() function. But all the items may not have been deleted on the server by the time we recreate the nodes.So, this could be mostly a bug on the server side.
But I actually could create a hack with the model class and I am attaching the file for your reference. Try this file and let me know if you can still reproduce, hopefully not . The file is of SImpleChatModel.as in player 10. If you are using player 9, let me know I can provide that file for player 9. You can diff with your SimpleChatModel.as in player 10 source and can see the difference and the hack in case you are interested. I can't guarantee that it will definitely work but at least it can let you going( you need to link to the source files and not use player 10 swc in your app).
Meanwhile, we have started discussions internally on this issue and we should be able to come up with a cleaner fix in future release. I will keep you posted on that. In the meanwhile, go ahead and give it a try and let me know.
Thanks again for finding. Issues like this are almost impossible to find without active help from user community.
Hironmay Basu
Thanks for the weekend effort on this, and for hanging in there with me even with the 2 month gap. I'll test the workaround tomorrow and get back to you, I'm hoping that it will work out of the box. It is really helpful to have the LCCS team so active on this forum. More tomorrow.
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I just wanted to follow up on this chat history issue. I hope the fix I gave earlier worked for you.
Anyways, we have put a cleaner fix on the server and it will be updated with the next-drop in coming weeks.
Hironmay Basu
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