Expand my Community achievements bar.

Is there server updating


Level 3
I have noticed some strange happings over the last 6 hours.
Although I made little change to my code, user roles and display
name went to default. None of my examples would set them either.
Now I can set the user name and role on php auth. but I can not
change the users role. The function just stops at the point of
setting the role.

Also stangely the original php cocomo code will connect but I
have never been able to connect with the slighly updated afcs.php?

Is there any server updating at the moment?
1 Reply


Level 3
All has come back ok now. But I am left with a problem with
the setUserRole.

When all users login they are set a role of 5. The reason is
I want them to set userIcon and customFeild before they move into
the main room and show up in the differnet lists for owners and


When they move into the main room I then set there userRole
based on their php login credentials which I used earlier.

Problem is there are not owners yet.