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"Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages" is not working for table


Former Community Member


I'm using version

The pagnation feature "Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages" is not working for any table in my design. ( the check-box can not be checked no matter how many times I clicking it)

I put such table already in a flow bodypage.

Any similar issue reported?

Any suggestions?



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

The only thing I can think of is that your table is not in a flowed subform. That will turn off the checkboxes.

View solution in original post

11 Replies


Correct answer by
Level 10

The only thing I can think of is that your table is not in a flowed subform. That will turn off the checkboxes.


Former Community Member

You're correct, Jono.

After wrapping the table into a flowed subform, the check-box for repeating is working normally.




Former Community Member

Hi all,

This problem happened again today, even my table tblitemList has already been wrapped into flowed subform frmTableItemList.

Do you have any suggestions on such weird behavior? Thank you in advance.

Here is the form design xdp file.

Here is the sample data you can use to reproduce problem:

Here is the hierarchy screenshot:



Former Community Member

Hi Jono,

do you have any idea of latest issue?

Thank you in advance.


Level 6

File placed in ithe given link not checked with "Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages" check box.

Also if it needs to repeat on each page first check that "Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages" box under pagination then make sure u check "Repeat row..." under Binding tab, for the header (in ur case hdrRow1 or hdrRow2).

if u need both headers to repeat group them (hdrRow1, hdrRow2) and

checked with "Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages" check box for the GROUP and

check "Repeat row..." under Binding tab for the GROUP, hope this will solve ur problem.

updated files u can find in the location of: https://acrobat.com/#d=78PwPjS0I6Urtjc5c50k8g



Former Community Member

Hi Raghu,

Appologies that I uploaded a wrong version of xdp file yesterday.

Here is the correct one.


I totally understand that I have to check the checkbox "Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages".

My problem is that, although I can see that checkbox, and it's not grey-out, I can not tick it. See below screenshot, with the red-cycle mark.


You can try with above file.

Just wondering why such weird behavior happened.



Level 1

Set subform as flowed 



Level 6

I dont see any problem with that check box for me working fine on ur form.

May be if u check(Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages) that for both hdrRow1 and hdrRow2, the first selected hdrRow(1 or 2) check box(Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages) will be de selected automatically, hope this might be ur issue.



Former Community Member

Hi Raghu,


May be if u check(Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages) that for both hdrRow1 and hdrRow2, the first selected hdrRow(1 or 2) check box(Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages) will be de selected automatically


My problem is that, although I can see the checkbox "Include Header Row in Subsequent Pages" ( the checkbox looks normal, Not greyed out), both for hdrRow1 and hdrRow2, I can not select/tick it ( it acts as grey-out checkbox).

This is really werid. As you said you don't have problem for this same form, I highly suspect this is a bug of my SW version.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your suggestion!



Level 1

Hi Vicky,

Did you get the solution for this ?




Level 2


Does any one know how this tick mark


Can be dynamic with Code?

