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query out of a cfc


Level 1

I have a cfc with a simple query.


<cffunction name="myFunction" access="remote" returntype="query">

<cfargument name="myArgument" type="string" required="no">

        <cfquery datasource="myDataSource" name="qGetStuff">

        SELECT lastName

            FROM tblUsers


<cfreturn qGetStuff>



I'm trying to do... well anything with the data.  I can see in flexbuilder that I'm getting the wddxPackage and all the data.

the package is formated:

<wddxPacket version='1.0'>



  <recordset rowCount='605' fieldNames='LASTNAME' type='coldfusion.sql.QueryTable'>

    <field name='LASTNAME'>






I'm using:

public var theData:XMLList;

public function onResult(e:ResultEvent):void{

theData = e.result.wddxPacket.data.recordset.field[0];


to access the data.  I don't get any exceptions, however the datagrid doesn't populate

<mx:HTTPService resultFormat="e4x" id="liveData" url="http://mydomain.com/test.cfc?method=myFunction" result="onResult(event);" />

<mx:DataGrid id="mygrid" dataProvider="{theData}"/>

am I doing this all wrong?

what is the best way to get complicated data types out of CF into flex?


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