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Problems viewing form


Level 2


I created a form using LiveCycle and sometimes I have problems viewing the data. The text fields are blank and if I click my mouse in the field the text shows up then if I click out of the field it goes away. If I click into the field and type a space then the text remains visible. Sometimes the radio buttons do not display as I created them. It displays a circle inside the box instead of just the box.

These problems only happen on some of the returned forms. Also, some people say they cannot save the data even though they are saving the form to thier hard drive first. At least that is what I tell them to do.

Thanks for any help on this!

18 Replies


Level 10

Can you post one of the troubled form to LiveCycle9@gmail.com so I can have a look at it..




Level 2

Hi Srini,

The link you gave me was an email address so I just attached it to this email so you can look at it.




Level 2

I'm new to this forum. If I reply to the email you suggested will the attachment be included in this thread? If not, how can I post a link to the document.


Level 10

You can send the form to the email address I mentioned earlier.. (OR)

You can use Acrobat.com and login with your Adobe credentials.

After login, use Upload button and select your form.

After the Upload, select the file and click on the down arrow next to the name of the file, and choose Share from the popup menu.

Click on Publish in the new confirmation message.

After the form is published, you will see a Publish hyperlink at the bottom of the screen. If you mouse over this link, you should get "copylink"  menu. Select copylink and paste the link in the forum..




Former Community Member

I have seen this issue when the user fills out the form with a Mac and they do not use the Adobe viewers but they use the native Mac app (I do not remember its name).

Can you validate which application they used to fill the form?



Level 2

Hi Paul,

He did use the "Preview" app on his Mac. Shouldn't the form work on any application that it can open from?


Level 2

I don't see the upload button. I did send the attachment to the email address but don't know where it went.


Former Community Member

There is a problem with teh "Preview" software that it does not update te PDF correctly. You have two choices. Ask the users to use the Adobe Reader instead of Preview or you can read this post and add a special script to your Acrobat that will fix the PDF so you can see the data.




Level 2

Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for this. I was reading the posts on the link and found the following. Does this mean there is no fix for my situation?



Level 2

Sorry my last post did not include the link I wanted to show. There was a post on the site you sent below that this fix does not work with LiveCycle (7th from the bottom). Is there a fix for forms created with LiveCycle?



Level 10

Sorry for cutting across, but I am using a Mac here so can give some of our experiences.

This post shows some of our testing: Alternative PDF Viewers

XFA forms do not work at all in Preview, so that rules out anything developed in LC Designer.

AcroForms don't work as a general rule, but with the script that Paul linked you can probably work around/fix AcroForms that have filled in using Preview.

I would agree with Paul and advise users NOT to use Preview at all for form filling in.

For what it is worth I though I could test the application first with a document level script and then have an app.alert if the AcroForm was opened in Preview. See here: https://acrobat.com/#d=JAg6ptZtGEcqpxHNJ-XMzg

However this did not work. When the AcroForm is opened in Acrobat Pro it correctly states "Exchange-Pro". Similarly in Reader it works: "Reader". But when opened in Preview, it unhelpfully states "Exchange-Pro".


imho stay away from Preview.



Level 10


Last shot at this:

  • AcroForm with document level javascript to populate a field with viewer type, version and variation. For example, this populates as "This AcroForm is open in Exchange-Pro, version 9.302. The variation is Full" in Acrobat Pro 9.
  • Update button that increases a counter by 1 and repopulates the viewer type, version and variation field.

This works in Acrobat and Reader. For example Reader comes up with "This AcroForm is open in Reader, version 9.301. The variation is Reader", which is correct.

However in Preview it is evident that document level script do not work, as the viewer type, version and variation do not update.

Also Javascript in a mouseUp event does not work, as the update button does not advance the counter nor update the viewer type, version or variation.

Lastly simple calculation script (javascript) does not work, see the quantity/price calculation.


This form is 100% AcroForm and even simple functionality does not work in Preview. I wouldn't trust Preview as far as I could throw it!!

Sample here: https://acrobat.com/#d=JAg6ptZtGEcqpxHNJ-XMzg



Level 2


This is great! It will force the user to save the document first. Is it possible to include a button so the file will be opened after saving?




Level 2

Can you tell me how to find the Layers pallet?




Level 10


I'm gone from the computer. If you don't see the icon on the left hand side, you should be able to access it from the View > Navigation Panels menu.

When you click the Layers icon there is a small drop down menu at the top. Select something like "import as layer". This will open dialog in screenshots.

Hope that works,



Level 2

I found it! I was trying to use LC instead of Adobe Acrobat .