I have a strange problem in Flex, calling scripts located at
other servers, using the GET method.
When I want to connect with a HTTPService in Flex, to a
script located on another domain than the flex application, I place
a crossdomain.xml at the root of the script-server:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="www.app-domain.com"/>
The problem is that when using the GET method to the
cross-script, it seemes that the flashplayer append the lookup for
the crossdomain.xml at the end of the querystring. With an url
snooper I can se the url requested, and when the player looks for
the crossdomain.xml, it does it in a strange way:
http://www.script-domain.com?var1=val1&var2=val2/crossdomain.xmlIt seems to use the url+querystring as url, and puts
crossdomain.xml in the end of the querystring, which is NOT the
location of it, and the app fails with a runtime error message.
The lookup for the crossdomain.xml should look like this:
http://www.script-domain.com/crossdomain.xmlIf i use the POST method instead, it works fine, but I would
like to be able to use the GET method as well.
Any suggestions??