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Populating form Fields with an overlaid image


Level 2

Hello all.

I am trying to convert some old forms into new ones, accounding for a major data model change and upgradees in technology. Further, we are required to use static forms, versus dynamic.

To convert the forms, we initially tried opening in Live Cycle and just changing the bindings, but this did not work as we did not have a "master" page created by the import process, and we couldn't manually add one. Our next solution was to save the initial form as a background image, insert this into the master page, and create a page under the master page where we put our fields. Issue is, these fields do not want to populate from our DB when there is an image behind them on the master page. If we only have the fields, it works fine, but we also need the background image or else we need to rebuild all our forms.. not a fun prospect.

Any guidance or assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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