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Populating a row of a repeatable subform from list box


Level 2

Hi everyone,

I am trying to make something complicated like calculating prices, simple.

What I did was subdivide my countries into regions. Created a subform which can be added or delted per region.

Then, depending on your choice of region, a list box is populated with the correspodning countries.

Under that list box, I have a repeated subform in rows.

What I want to happen is that every time you choose a country and click on  the button "add", the first cell of the row is populated with the chosen name and a row is added underneath.

My problem is that the focus of the add button is always on the first row.

Also my region subform does not seem to like it when it add to mayn country rows....

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have uploaded the file here: https://acrobat.com/#d=7FvAJbauEWg9GGAFqPrXRQ

The problem is on the second page.



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