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Pods Problems in examples


Former Community Member
I'm trying out the different examples and have experienced a
lot of strangeness.

First of all the LoginDialog would login but show a blank

I also got blanks screens for DefaultPods.

Finally I DefaultPods just suddenly worked displaying the
Pods and works fine (although I don't see audio doing anything)

When I went back to LoginDialog it worked; displaying the
Chat and FileShare.

However Audio/Video is blank.

I copied the code from Default Pods that references the
camera and replaced the LoginDialog code.

It creates a black panel but the camera pod does not appear.

However this code is identical to the DefaultPods and it is
similar a tag to load the component so I have no idea why it works
for one and not the other!

Lastly the Whiteboard component won't load at all.

--- update

I copied the whiteboard over into the defaultPods example and
it works in there. (@_@)

I just wonder why.

If anyone has any idea what is going on I would be most


4 Replies


Former Community Member

I will take the examples one by one. When you use LoginDialog
, do you enter as guest or with your username and password ? What
player version are you using ? If you are running from the
debugger, what are the messages that you see in the Flex Builder
console window? Please update us info on these questions. Put
breakpoints inside onEventNotification function of LoginDialog.mxml
and see if you are receiving authentication success event and then
later on synchronization change event.

Regarding Audio , You can't hear your own audio and you need
to open another window after starting the audio to hear it.
However, camera pod should work.

Please update us with these details on LoginDialog example as
we or other users have never encountered a similar behavior.


Former Community Member

Thanks for your reply.

I think I have resolved the problem and found out what I am
doing wrong.

I did right a long reply but the post hung and it didn't

Basically there is a note in the code for the Login example
saying that you have to log into the room as a host first to enable
to pods.

I was logging in as a guest.

However at first no examples worked and so I used to Login
example because at least the Login screen came up.

I did not know if this was Cocomo, me or my set up. Was it
compiling correctly? etc.

Then I was able to connect but see nothing afterwards.

Knowing how to connect I started to use the Pods example.

Because the Pods example is hardcoded I logged in as a host
and all the pods then worked (not sure about audio!).

Happy that Cocomo was working I went back to Login.

I might have logged in as a host and checked chat and file
share and then dropped out which explains why the others were

So then I copy the whiteboard to Pods which logs in as a host
and thus works.

So then I check the login code to see how I could log into
Pods as different users.

Then I see the note!

So I log into pods as a host and it works for all pods.

But then I log in as a guest and I still don't get the
whiteboard and webcam! (so it didn't auto promote these and I did
access them as a host).

I go into the Dev Console and find a checkbox for autopromote
so I check this and then guests can run all pods.

Now I can test the pods.

However with a buddy test, the Audio pods seems to not work.
I am host and they have auto promote.

Not sure about this.

In the dev console all the Pods appear in the room's
management bit apart from audio.

So pretty much got all of it working but find that confusing.

When trying a new technology I like to know it works and it
is not my set up or failing to compile etc.

Getting it up and running fast gives confidence. The initial
blank screens were off putting and I didn't know which example to
start with.

Logging in as guest cuts down variables to go wrong and so I
was using that to make sure all my login info was correct. The part
about needing to be ahost to activate pods was a bit mysterious and
I found it by chance when wanting to adapt the defaultPods example
to work with logins.

Now it seems to be working and I think the framework looks

Any ideas about how to initalise the audio pod?




Former Community Member

Yes, you need to first set up the pods logging in as a
host(owner) to get the pods working, as the guests don't have
permission to create the collection nodes. Hosts have a user role
of 100, when you autopromote , the user gets promoted from a role
of 10 (viewer) to role of publisher( 50). Collection nodes can be
only created by hosts and even publishers can't create it. Audio
doesn't have a pod as such and uses audio publisher and audio
subscriber to hear the audio.

Do this test. Log in one user as host and another as guest in
the DefaultPods example( To login as guest , enter any value in
userName field of authenticator and remove the password field).
Then let the host publish the audio by clicking on the audio button
( when you click does it show the player dialog asking you whether
you want to allow /deny audio). If it does, allow and hear the
audio on the guest side. Tell us if you are able to do this test
and the results. You can also see the Audio example for using Audio
and its various properties.


Hironmay Basu


Former Community Member

I managed to get the audio working with the defaultPods

Not sure how or why defaultPods worked and the login example

At first the audio would only work for me. Then it worked for
both me and a friend and we had the v-Chat functionality going.

I am using defaultPods now as a template and porting other
apps into it.

I intend to put the login app into Pods and then see what

The Audo example worked fine btw.

I have a question about the size of the swfs.

One reason I am looking at cocomo is that I have been working
with a developer to build a Virtual Desktop using AS2 and FMS3 -
They also have similar functionality (v-chat/ text chat\whiteboard
etc) but the swfs rock out at Chat 56k, and under 200k in general.

The cocomo simple chat swf is 273kb and the defualtPods is
compiling at at 582k and with whiteboard 799k.

Is this normal? Am I compiling wrong (FlashDevelop)? Or is
there/will there be a way to scale the weight of Cocomo pods down?

