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PDF with watermark for second Print.


Former Community Member

Hi All,

I have a requirement to have a watermark on my Form when it is printed for second time and hence.

If the user prints the form for first time he should not see any watermark.

Any ideas. Please Help.

I am working on Designer and LiveCycle ES2.

Thanks and Regards--


6 Replies


Level 10


You could have a hidden flag, like a checkbox object.

When the form opens, script in the docReady event of the checkbox would set its value to off/0.

Then in the postPrint event it would sets its value to on/1. This would fire after the first print (and every subsequent print).

Lastly, in the checkbox's prePrint event, script would check the value of itself (checkbox). If it is on/1 then display the image/watermark. If it is off/0 then do not display the image/watermark.

Hope that helps,



Former Community Member

Thanks Niall,

Your solution is working gr8.

But have a problem when I print my form I get a Print Box to set my Pages/Printer and so on, here if I cancel the Print action then my form is considered to be printed.

And I get the watermark when I print it again.

Any solution for this. Please suggest.

Thanks and Regards--



Level 10


Not sure. The prePrint and postPrint events are a coupled pair. You are

correct, even if the user clicks cancel, the postPrint event is fired.

I can't think of a way around this, when using the postPrint event.

If I come up with anything, I will post it here. Maybe someone else will

have a better solution.

Good luck,



Level 2

Hi Chalukya, I got your message in my thread.  Unfortunatly off the top of my head I'm not sure but I'll look into it as well.  I'm quite new to these kinds of forms and javascripting but I'll see what I can do.


Former Community Member

Guys any possibilities/break throughs for the above requirement ...




Level 2

Hi Chalukya,  Unfortunaly I've had no luck with this.
