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PDF Preview does not look the same as through Acrobat


Former Community Member

Except for one text field, all of my other text fields with "Appearance" set to "Underline" are appearing without the underline.

Here's a cut from a screen shot of the preview in LiveCycle Designer ES


and here's a cut from a screen shot of the same pdf document opened in Acrobat (I did this test from my Mac too with the same results, so I know it's not a computer related issue):


Can anyone explain the discrepency here? I could use borders instead of Appearance, but the border goes across the entire field instead of just the place where a user can enter text, so I'd like to avoid that if possible.

Here's the XML of one of the fields... seems fairly straight forward:

         <field name="contactName" y="22.225mm" x="105.286mm" w="91.564mm" h="4.318mm">
                  <border hand="right">
                     <edge presence="hidden"/>
                     <edge presence="hidden"/>
                     <edge presence="hidden"/>
                     <?templateDesigner StyleID aped1?></border>
            <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
            <para vAlign="middle"/>
               <traverse ref="streetAddress[0]"/>
            <caption reserve="29.0972mm">
                  <text>Contact Name:</text>
               <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>
               <para vAlign="middle"/>
               <edge presence="hidden"/>
               <corner presence="hidden"/>

4 Replies


Level 6


1) Check target version of youre form. You can do it from File - Form Properties - Defaults - Target version. Maybe you are using another Reader version.

2) I faced that underlined text behave strange if form is dynamic. In this case line shown only if you are typing something in textfield.


Paul Butenko


Former Community Member

Thanks for the response Paul.

I've already tried 8.0, 8.1 and 9.0 and none made a difference.

The document is a static form, but I attempted to switch it to dynamic after reading your post and that had no effect.

I've attached both the broken pdf and the raw XML that can be copy and pasted into a new form so one can re-create from scratch.

I thought this was a fairly standard run-of-the-mill form.


Former Community Member

I have looked at your form and have determined two things.

1. The highlighting of the fields that Acrobat does is affecting the visiblity of your underline. Turn off the highlighting.

2. Every field that you have has a hand="right" attribute on the border definition of the field. I do not know how that got there as in my version of Designer that attrribute does not exist. If you remove it then your underline will appear. You can go into XML Source mode and replace all occurances of hand="right" with "" and your form shodul be OK.

Which version of Designer did you use to create the form?

Hope that helps



Former Community Member

Paul, isn't this setting part of acrobat itself and not something one can "set" in the document?  Opening pdf forms on my computer does not show the fields to be highlighted.

It looks like the same version I had quoted above.

I originally created a form that was based off of an existing PDF image.  I had just put the fields "on top of" the scanned image that the PDF contained.  The result was too ugly for me, so I copy and pasted all my fields over onto a new empty static form and created what I posted above.

Looking at the original "ugly" form's XML it looks like the version of the software didn't change:

<?xfa generator="AdobeLiveCycleDesignerES_V8.2.1.4029.1.523496" APIVersion="2.8.9029.0"?>

Also, the "right" attribute exists in the original "ugle" PDF document that is dated 5/3/2009 if that helps any.

I followed your instructions and removed "right" and that fixed the problem.  Looks like LiveCycle's XML parser needs an additional validation check!  I had wondered what that "right" thing was since when I was looking through all the settings I didn't see a corrisponding setting. I had just assumed that it was some internal setting I wasn't supposed to care about. Good catch!

Thanks for your help Paul!