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page set to visible (print only) is still visible in preview


Former Community Member

Hi all,


  I'm fairly new to LiveCycle Designer and although the simple things go easy it seems I've encountered my limits when it comes to the presence setting of a page.

What I'm trying to do: I have a 3 page form out of which 2 should be visible on screen and print while the last page print only.

Now I've tried to set the page to Visible (print only) but it still shows up in the preview.

I've looked up some info on the net and apparently it could be because the page is set to Content: Positioned instead of Flowed. But if I set it to Flowed, it still show up.

If I set the page to hidden and change it's presence to visible (print only) on the preprint event it's still not printing.

  What am I doing wrong?

any help would be appreciated

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