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New Rooms not getting Auto-promote and User Limit from Template


Former Community Member

Hi guys,

Running into an issue when I try to create rooms through the c# server to server API using a template as the base.  My objects are there (webcam, screenshare, etc).  But the Auot-promote and User Limit settings are not the same in the new room as they are on the source template.

I did confirm that if I create a room in the Room Console based on this template,  then the settings are pushed down to the new room.

Heres the code I am using to create the room:

        public struct AdobeRoomDetails
            public bool IsRoomReady;
            public string RoomURL;
            public string AuthToken;

            AdobeRoomDetails rd = new AdobeRoomDetails();

                AccountManager am = new AccountManager(details.AccountURL);

                bool res = am.login(details.AdobeUserID, details.AdobePassword);
                if (res == true)
                    rd.RoomURL = details.AccountURL + "/" + RoomID;
                    rd.IsRoomReady = true;

                    string RoomInfo = am.getRoomInfo(RoomID);

                    bool bResponse = Room_ExistsAndIsActive(RoomInfo);
                    if (bResponse == false)
                        am.createRoom(RoomID, details.TemplateName, true);

                    string parsedUserId = UserID.Replace("-", "");

                    //Once the room has been created, we should be able to get a Session from it.
                    Session session = am.getSession(RoomID);
                    rd.AuthToken = session.getAuthenticationToken(details.AccountSharedSecret, UserName, parsedUserId, RoleID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string Message = ex.Message;
                rd.IsRoomReady = false;

3 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi There,

I just did a quick test and confirmed that templating does preserve these details for me. Are you sure you're using the right template? If you quickly use the room console to create a room from that template, do the appropriate settings show in the room console manage panel (they did for me)?



Former Community Member

I said in my original post that the Room Console would create the template with the correct settings but it wasn't working through the server to server api.

I have tried it again this morning however, and it is now working as expected (wierd because I did not change anything from last night).  Is there some sort of propagation or caching that occurs when you change settings in an exisiting  template, or should I expect the new settings to always take effect immediately?

Regardless,  it seems to be working ok now,  but I am concerned because I will soon need to make the same change in our production environment,  and if there is a delay before the template changes fully take effect, I would like to communicate what the experience will be to our users.

Thanks for quick response.


Former Community Member


As long as you're building the template via the console or the dev portal,

this should be propagated immediately.
