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Need repeating field on every form page


Former Community Member

I have a form that is set to flow. The form has three main subforms. The first subform is CampusNameSubform. This contains one text field. The subform is set to Position/Allow Page Breaks, the rest of the tabs are the default settings. The second subform, "HeaderSubform", is the repeatable "area" that contains a drop down menu, two text fields and an expandable table. The third subform is an "Add New Goal" button that when clicked adds a new "area", ("HeaderSubform" with the expandable table). All of this works great.

(I have the Master page set up with the form's title and print button in what would be a document's header and the page number count in the document's footer. Both the header and footer objects are outside the Master Page content area.)

Problem: How do I get the CampusName field to appear on all new pages as they are created? As new pages are created via the expandable table or the "Add New Goal" button the campus name field only appears on page 1. I have tried several combinations between the design page and the master page but I cannot get the CampusName text field to appear with data on every page. FYI - The info in the field will not change. Each campus will have its own form. So what I really need is to enter the campus name one time and have the field repeat on every subsequent page as the pages are created via the expandable table or the Add New Goal button.

A picture of the heirarchy is attached.

I am grateful for any help you can send my way. TIA!


11 Replies


Former Community Member

Ok.  I'm not 100% sure I get what you are saying, but I think I do.  You want the CampusName subform to appear at the top of every page, right?  If so, here's what I recommend...

On the first page, keep everything as is.  Allow CampusNameSubform to be the first subform on the page.  Select the HeaderSubform and AddGoalButton subform.  In the Object pallette, open the Pagination tab.  In the Overflow Leader dropdown, select CampusNameSubform.

What this will do is anytime either HeaderSubform or AddGoalButton is expanded or repeated onto another page, it will be preceded by a copy of CampusNameSubform.

Does this help?

Ryan D. Lunka

Cardinal Solutions Group



Former Community Member

Very Close!!

The CampusName text field will repeat at the top of the next page if the Add New Goal button is used. The field is empty on the second page but at least it is there. It looks like the user will have to add the campus name on every page. Not ideal but I can live with that.

Unfortunately the CampusName text field will not repeat if the table's Add [a new row] button is used.

Do you want me to post the form?



Former Community Member

Let's try this.  Make a copy of your CampusName subform.  In the copy select the text field and open the JavaScript editor for the layout:Ready event.  Write

this.rawValue = otherField.rawValue     (I'm using otherField, but it should be the field that the user enters their campus name in)

In the hierarchy, drag that copied subform (with the above script) into the folder called "Referenced Objects".  Now where you had set the Overflow Leader before, change it to reference the subform in Referenced Objects.  RO will hold it unbeknownst to the user until you need it as an overflow leader.

If this doesn't work try messing around a bit with that script.  You're just trying to get it to show the same value as whatever was entered on the first.

PS.  Sorry for the confusion.  I didn't realize that the forum now emails you and you can reply via email to the forum post.  I thought you emailed me personally, so my original response didn't make any sense.  This new forum is pretty cool.

Ryan D. Lunka

Cardinal Solutions Group



Former Community Member

The CampusImprovementPlan (CIP) form is attached. Thank you for looking at it and giving feedback.



Former Community Member

No problem at all. Let me know if you need any more help. Overflow Leaders are pretty funky to work with at first, especially when scripting with them. I find them a bit more powerful/useful than master pages, which allow little or no scripting to work.

Ryan D. Lunka

Cardinal Solutions Group



Former Community Member

Please check through the last few posts.  I think we got confused/off because I went back and changed a reply.  I looked at the form,  but I'd like you to try my last suggestion.

Sorry for the confusion...I haven't played with the new forum much yet.


Former Community Member

I am assuming that reply #2 (copying the subform, writing script, moving the subform copy to the Referenced Objects folder) was to force the

campus name to appear every time the CampusName text field appears at the top of a new page. I tried your solution but to no avail. (You explained it well and it makes sense to me.) Instead of working on that problem right now can we address the issue that the CampusName text field does not appear if the table's Add button is used?

I set up the HeaderSubforn and the ButtonSubform overflow leader set to "CampusNameSubform" as you suggested. It works perfectly when you click the AddNewGoal button. The form will create new pages and the CampusName text field is at the top of each new page. The text field is not appearing at the top of the new page if the table forces a new page. Basically if the table is split between two pages the CampusName text field will not appear. Do I need to make the table its own subform and set the overflow leader to it?

I am attaching the form with the overflow leader set up on the HeaderSubform and the ButtonSubform as you suggested. Would you please test the table's Add button to force a new page?

Thanks so much for your help. Your expalnations are very good.



Former Community Member

I didn't notice that button there. Set the repeatable table row (or possibly just the table...I'm not 100% sure off the top of my head) to have the same Overflow Leader as those two subforms. That should place campus name on the page whenever the table breaks across pages. I would have thought the subform would have taken care of that, but evidently not. See how that works.

Also, forget the script idea I gave you. I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before. Set the binding for the Campus Name text field to "Global". That way the Overflow Leader version will follow exactly what the original is. I tested it quickly and it worked. This way you also won't have to deal with the "Referenced Objects" section.

Ryan D. Lunka

Cardinal Solutions Group



Former Community Member

I set the Campus[Name] text field Default Binding to Global as you suggested and it worked Hooray!!

For the first solution you suggested to get the Campus[Name] text field to appear when the table splits I am having trouble with. Neither Table1, the table's HeaderRow nor Row1 offer an Overflow Leader setting.

Your previous reply:  I didn't notice that button there.  Set the repeatable table row (or possibly just the table...I'm not 100% sure off the top of my head) to have the same Overflow Leader as those two subforms.  That should place campus name on the page whenever the table breaks across pages.  I would have thought the subform would have taken care of that, but evidently not.  See how that works.

We are soooo close.



Former Community Member

I can't think of anything that jumps out as to why this isn't working. I don't really have time to jump into it totally, like I would have to do to solve this. Keep playing around with what we've talked about and see if you can get anywhere. It MAY just not be possible, but I generally don't like to accept that answer. If you have any more quick questions I'd be happy to help you. I just won't be able to completely solve it. Good luck and be sure to post it if you resolve the issue.

Ryan D. Lunka

Cardinal Solutions Group



Former Community Member

I am VERY grateful for all your suggestions. Yes, I will keep working on it.

I did post another question this morning that no one has responded to. Maybe it can't be done? The title of the post is "Need button to launch new page in form". It is the same form you have seen. I would like the "Add New Goal" button to keep all the objects contained in the HeaderSubform together. Right now ifyou are at the bottom of a page and click "Add New Goal" it will put some of the objects on the current  page and force the rest of the objects onto a new page. The post explains everything.

