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Merge two text fields into a third text field


Level 1

I have a form that asks for a person's date of birth and the last five digits of their social security number. I would like to create an invisible text field that merges the information from both fields, thus creating a unique participant ID. Is this something that can be done in LiveCycle?

1 Reply


Level 10


Yes, the following in the calculate event of the hidden field (JavaScript):

this.rawValue = dob.rawValue + " " + ssn.rawValue;

If you would prefer FormCalc there is a concat function, which will achieve the same thing:

$ = Concat(dob, " ", ssn)

Note that if either of these are null, then you will get "null" in the hidden dield as well. For example of the dob field was null the hidden field would be "null 12345". If you want to avoid this you would need to test the fields.
