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Mandatory fields during submission


Former Community Member


I have got a problem about mandatory field(s) during the submission.

I have built a very simple form guide to demonstrate this problem.

This form guide has got a pannel called "Control", which contains a radio button group allowing user to select "Yes" or "No".

The next pannel called "Being Controlled" which has a text field set to mandatory originally.

The radio button group in the Control pannel will set the text field in the "Being Controlled" pannel to be optional if the user selects "No", then back to mandatory if user selects "Yes", by using the following logics:

    if (radioButton.rawValue=="Yes"){
        mandatoryField.mandatory = "error";   
        mandatoryField.mandatory = "disabled";

However, even I set off the text field to be optional, but the form guide still complains about required field not being filled up when I tried to submit the form guide.

Any ideas?

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.


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