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Making initially invisible/hidden fields appear after addInstance


Level 2

I have a form which has fields in it that are hidden/invisible when the form initializes.  The form also has a button that can make the field appear under certain conditions using the following:


But the problem occurs when I try to create a new instance of _Subform2.TextField1.  Every time a new instance of TextField1 is generated, it will appear invisible/hidden as well.

How do you go about retreiving the name or reference of the newly generated textfield in order to set it to "visible"?

I am trying to catch it with a for loop, but it is currently not working:

var Subform2Length = Subform2.nodes.length;

    for (var nCount = 0; nCount < Subform2Length; nCount ++)
        if ((Subform2.nodes.item(nCount).className == "subform") & (Subform2.nodes.item(nCount).presence == "invisible"))

Any assistance is appreciated.  Thanks.

3 Replies


Level 10

Try like this in the event where you add the instance for Subform2..

Place it after you add a new Instance..

//Get the InstranceManager count and reduce it by 1. Because Index starts with 0.

var intNewIndex  = form1.Subform1.Subform2.instanceManager.count-1;

form1.Subform1.ResolveNode("Subform2[" + intNewIndex + "]").TextField1.presence="visible";




Level 2

It worked like a charm.  Thank you ver much!

For anyone that uses this:  It didn't work initially but it was because the 'ResolveNode' argument was incorrectly capitalised.  It should read "resolveNode" instead.


I have a question about the code (I am not a programmer by trade and am trying to learn to make Livecycle easier to use):

What is the significance of placing the plus signs (+) around the 'intNewIndex' argument?


Level 10

("Subform2[" + intNewIndex + "]")

I am using JavaScript as Language for this script. + sign in Java Script is used for String concatenation. I am concatenating Subform2 with current index in the parenthesis.

So for example, if the intNewIndex value is 1, then after the concatenation the code will look like..


Hope this helps..

