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Make a dynamic xml form, using a pdf (images) but not from existing pdf


Level 2

Hi all, i have some problem because with a dynamic form from an existing pdf i can t make 'dynamic tooltip'

(see my previous post for this problem)

So i want to make a clean xml form but with the same layout as the pdf.

The original pdf has images on background on each pages.

I want to make a dynamic form but i don t want to make it from this pdf  (file->new->import existing pdf).

May i export each page of the original pdf as an image and then add the images to my new xml form ?

is there another way ?


2 Replies


Former Community Member

You can but that woudl be tedious .....you can try importing the PDF into designer but choose the option that converts all objects to XFA objects instead of making an image and laying fields on top. You may still need to do some cleanup of the form but at least you will have all XFA objects.



Level 2

Again, Thanx a lot Paul for your quick and helpfull answer !