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Locking a Signature Field or Disable Clear Signature Option


Level 1

Hi All,

I am working on a form using Acrobat 8 and LC Designer 8.  The form is to be routed via email and has sections to be completed by varing departments (internally and one remote location).  When a section of the form is completed, it is digitally signed locking the data fields of that section.  This works just fine as long as the digital signature is not removed which at this point, can be removed by any one using the "Clear Signature" option when right-clicking on the signature.

Is there a way to lock the signature field to prevent this or can the clear signature option be removed from the right-click pop-up menu?  Or is there another method that someone has used to make this happen?  Also, I'm a beginner at scripting so, if possible, please include code for any scripts that may work.

Thanks in advance for any help

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