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Livecycle server needed for the Adobe IFormServer ?


Level 1

Hi there,

I am very new to Adobe Livecycle.

I am working on the very old java application which is internally using the adobe formserver service renderForm.

Every time I am calling that method I am getting an RenderFormException. Right now I do not have livecycle installed at all.

Do I be needing the Livecycle up an running in my server in order to get this or is there already new ways?

Here is the snippet of my exceptions:

com.adobe.formServer.interfaces.RenderFormException: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'ejb.com.adobe/formServer/FormServer' didn't find subcontext 'com'. Resolved 'ejb'; remaining name 'com/adobe/formServer/FormServer'

  at com.adobe.formServer.client.EJBClient.renderForm(EJBClient.java:343) ~[formserver-client-1.0.0.jar:7.22.3319.1.325214]

  at com.odfl.AdobeHandler.Servlet.PDFSubmitServlet.doGet(PDFSubmitServlet.java:141) [classes/:?]

  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:687) [javax.servlet.javax.servlet-api.jar:3.1.0]

  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:790) [javax.servlet.javax.servlet-api.jar:3.1.0]

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