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Livecycle populate text field with multiple records from list box


Level 1

Can someone tell me how can I populate a text field from list box when I have multiple select.

Here is example:

List box consist: Hello


I want to see this in text field: Hello,World.


2 Replies


Level 6



textfield.rawValue = xfa.event.newText;




textfield.rawValue = texfield.rawValue+"\n"+xfa.event.newText;


I think something like this may work.


Level 2

Hi Legro

I don't know if I understand you correctly, but you can do something like this:

----------------- java script begin ---------------------------------

//Reset text field

TextField.rawValue = "";

//loop through items in listbox

for(i = 0; i < ListBox.length; i++)


          //if item selected



                    //check if Text field value if null

                    if (TextField.isNull)


                              TextField.rawValue = ListBox.getDisplayItem(i);




                              TextField.rawValue = TextField.rawValue + " " + ListBox.getDisplayItem(i);





----------------- java script end ---------------------------------

I have attached an sample PDF so that you can see how it works!!

Kind Regards

Søren Høy Nielsen Dafolo A/S