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Livecycle logic scripting problem


Level 3

Hi Guys,

I'm trying to find a script to find the following for the 'overall' rating on Page 4:

1. If ANY (at least one) Quality Area has been rated as ' Working Towards National Quality Standard'

then the Overall rating should read 'Working Towards National Quality Standard'

2. If ALL Qualtiy Areas have been rated as 'Meeting National Quality Standard' then the Overall rating should read 'Meeting National Quality Standard'

3. If ALL Qualtiy Areas are at least 'Meeting National Qualtiy Standard' and at least four (4) are rated  'Exceeding National Quality Standard', with at least two of being Quality areas 1, 5, 6 or 7, then Overall rating should read 'Exceeding National Quality Standard'.

I dont know the best script to do. ive tried to include a Min() script for the no. 1 option in the calculate event of the Overall textfield but this doesnt work. I've also tried to use the logical 'OR' statement, it doesnt work.

What can I do?

Thanks for your help

The form is found here:


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