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Livecycle Image field upload issue with .tiff/.tif format


Level 2


I have a requirement to implement image upload in pdf form which im doing with a help of "Image Field" object. I understand for uploading the image we need form to be reader extended(via Adobe Acrobat Pro or LiveCylce Rights Managament).

I am also aware the file formats supported are ".jpg, .png, .gif and .tif". However it accepts .jpeg/.tiff  formats as well.

I am facing issues uploading file with .tif/.tiff formats. Below are the steps explaining the issue.

1. Click on the "Image Field" to upload file(.tif/.tiff formats)

2. Browse window opens and I select file with tif/.tiff format.

3. Image is successfuly uploaded.

4. Now, I decide to replace the image with another tif/.tiff format file.

5. Repeat steps1-2

6. Upon selecting a new image, I still have the first image that was uploaded earlier in my image field.

Step 6 is not what is expected.

I have "Embed image data" selected within designer and have not specified any URL. Is there any known issue regarding .tif/.tiff file formats in LiveCycle? There seems no issue with other file formats. I am using LiveCycle Designer 10.

I also learnt the below from adobe help forums on TIF image format-

"Tagged Image File (TIF)

Designer supports Monochrome (1 color component 1-bit depth), Greyscale (1 color component 8-bit depth), RGB (3 color components 8-bit depth), and Palette (1 color component 1,2,4,8-bit depths) TIF images.

An initial (default) image to insert at run time can be specified by either a file name or a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Initially, the image is linked, which means that it is stored separately from the form and displayed when the form is opened. Alternatively, the image data can be embedded in the form when the form is created."

Any help would be highly appreciated.



6 Replies


Level 7

I have a couple questions:

1- did you try this in Designer only or did you try it with Acrobat/Reader outside of Designer?

2- If you tried it in Acrobat/Reader try saving the file and reopening it to see if the image changed

3- how large is the Tif file? I am curious if it is being changed but not displayed due to a size issue.

4- What tool was used to create the tiffs? It is possible that the display portion of the file is causing a problem. You can try opening the tif in another application like PhotoShop and resaving it as a tif and try to see if the problem can be replicated.


Level 2

Thanks for your response mouslander.

1-Yes I did try outside of designer - Adobe Reader and acrobat Pro

2-I tried this and yes the image changed. This is not what is expected though

3-Any file upload will have to be less than 200kb according to the requirement. I am writing js to achieve this.

4-I am not creating any file to upload. My user will be uploading an image which is an image of signature. It is not known which format the user may chose to upload. Since adobe allows ".jpg, .png, .gif and .tif" formats its upto the user to chose file with any format. I did try to save the image with .tif format and it doesn seem to help


Level 7

this is very odd. Is it possible to take a look at the file. if so send to mousland@gmail.com


Level 2

Hi mouslander,

Due to some restrictions I will not be able to send any attachments outside my work circle.

Can you please create a dynamic pdf with an image field, have some .tiff/.tif fields downloaded from the internet and try the steps mentioned above?

Here is the code im writing in the image field

This goes in validate event of image field:

//278634- base 64 encoded value for 201kb

if(this.resolveNode("value.#image").value.length > 278634)


  this.rawValue = null;

  xfa.host.messageBox("Selected Image is too large. Maximum size allowed is 200kilobytes.","",0,0);


Let me know if you require more info.

Any help will be appreciated.




Level 7

The code works for me. I did not test it with a Tiff file as the code is not specific to Tiff. In the case of a large file the error message works as expected.


Level 2

Yes the code works perfectly fine for me.

The issue is just the .tiff/.tif upload! Could you please re-create these steps and check ?

I am facing issues uploading file with .tif/.tiff formats. Below are the steps explaining the issue.

1. Click on the "Image Field" to upload file(.tif/.tiff formats)

2. Browse window opens and I select file with tif/.tiff format.

3. Image is successfuly uploaded.

4. Now, I decide to replace the image with another tif/.tiff format file.

5. Repeat steps1-2

6. Upon selecting a new image, I still have the first image that was uploaded earlier in my image field.

Step 6 is not what is expected.

I don know if this is a known issue. This happens in any new form i create and upload .tiff/.tif format image.