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Linking two text fields together.


Former Community Member

I need to link to text fields together as if it were in word or notepad, you simply hit enter to go to the next line at the end of the text field.

Is it possible?

Sorry I'm a totaly newbie here!


4 Replies


Former Community Member

Are you talking about a multiline field (a single field that has multiplr lines in it) or am I missing something?



Former Community Member

Yes. But I need it to fit in a line like below:




Level 7

Set the first field to Limit Length to Visible Area and on the full event place this script:


where Field2Name is the name of the field you want the cursor to appear in after the first field is filled up. The user won't need to hit enter, the cursor will just move to the second field when the first one is full.


Level 1

This is something I'd like to do however, I'm not sure where to find the "full event'...can you help? I've named my two text fields, and selected the first text field...just need to find "full event" so I can past your code in there.