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Line breaks within contents of floating fields


Level 1

Hello everyone,

I have the following question regarding the usage of floating fields and line breaks:

I have a text that incorporates a companies name using a floating field.

If the name of the company is too large, a line break is forced automatically. In some cases the companies name is like "Company 123 N.V.". When the line break is forced on this company, its shows "Company 123 N." on the first line and "V." on the second line.

How can i prevent the line break at "N."? I suppose the break is because of the "." in the text. But I want it only to be a line break if the "." is followed by a space, not if there is more text to it.

The same sort of issue we face with floating fields containing for example telephone numbers ( format: "+31 (0) 20 - 123 456 1", line break at the "+", "(" or the spaces) and e-mail addresses ( name@email.com, line break at the "@" or the ".") .

Thanks for any reply on this.



1 Reply


Level 1

I have the same problem. Does anyone have an answer for this one, please?

