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LCCS screenshare examples - LocalConnection error on second try


Level 2

ArgumentError: Error #2082: Connect failed because the object is already connected.

at flash.net::LocalConnection/connect()

at com.adobe.rtc.collaboration::ScreenSharePublisher/publish()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomoPlayer10\src\com\adobe\rtc\collaboration\ScreenSharePublisher.as:851]

all work if

publisherid.text = p_evt.streamDescriptor.originalScreenPublisher;

publisherid.text != null

but most of the time publisherid.text is null

and sspublisher.stop(publisherid.text);

don`t close the localconnection


3 Replies


Former Community Member

Yea, we are aware of this issue in the example and this has been fixed

and will be part of the upcoming update coming very very soon.

Thanks for pointing



Sent from my iPhone


Level 2

when this problem will be solved?

from this documentation i see problem:


i still have time that application not closed and second connection does not work


Level 2

sorry now it work i use old swc version