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Keep ON for ever the HIGHLIGHTE FILEDS button on top right corner of form?


Level 8

I am developing an VISITOR Adobe Interactive Form, i have Designer 8.1 and Reader 9.0 in my Windows 7 Laptop. When i checked the menu EDIT-->form properties --> Compatability, its Adobe XML form File (XDP)

When i opened this VISITOR interactive form in a browser, right clicking and checked form PROPERTIES, then i saw the "PDF Version: 1.6 (Acrobat 7.x)"

When i opened VISITOR interactive form in browswer, i saw a purple ribbon on the top of the form with a text of "Pls fill out the folowing form. You can save data typed into this form" on left corner and i can see a button HIGHLIGHT FELDS on the right corner, if i press this button, all mandatory fields on the form getting RED colored border (this is good, i want this feature)

1) Why am getting this purple riboon on the top?
2) is end-users are also gonna get this when they run from SAP portal?
3) Can i disable it, if business dont want it? if so, how i can remove this ribbon?
4) How can stay RED colered border for the mandatory fields for ever for all users for all scenarios(defaulting), wht settings i need to do?

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