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Issues with Flowed Layout Form


Level 1

Hi All,

I've been working on a form that has 3 expandable text boxes. Page One is set to positioned and I wrapped the expandable text boxes into a flowed subform. Once I did that, when I would type information into the expandable boxes, the information would not carry over onto a second page. It would just disappear into an abyss at the bottom of page one. Then, I tried making Page1 flowed and wrapping all of the components after that in positioned sub forms. However, when I do that, everything on the form moves to the left, and I cannot move it back. If I try to move it, it goes to the bottom of page one. In addition, now whenever I put information into the expandable text box, it pushes everything below it down to the next page, so there are huge spaces between the information and text box. Can anyone help me with this? I can attach the file if need be.

Thank you!!

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