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Is there anyway to identify PDF is layered using workbench


Former Community Member
Hello All,

Is there anyway to identify PDF is Layered using Live cycle workbench?

I tried with PDF Properties and couldn't found anything useful.

Sample PDF properties resultset:

<com.adobe.livecycle.pdfutility.client.PDFPropertiesResult><queryExceptions /><isPDFDocument>true</isPDFDocument><isPDFPackage>false</isPDFPackage><pdfVersion>1.5</pdfVersion><locked>false</locked><hasAttachments>false</hasAttachments><hasComments>false</hasComments><requiredAcrobatVersion>6.0</requiredAcrobatVersion><formType>NotAForm</formType><isAcroForm>false</isAcroForm><isFillableForm>false</isFillableForm><isXFADocument>false</isXFADocument><isShellPDF>false</isShellPDF></com.adobe.livecycle.pdfutility.client.PDFPropertiesResult>

2 Replies


Level 3

Hi Ramu,

By Layered PDF, do you mean PDF portfolio?




What is your usecase why are you trying to identify whether the PDF is layered or not?

Here there is a related thread : http://forums.adobe.com/message/5213544

Are you running in to similar issue?
