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is it possible to have multiple fields complete one field in sequence


Former Community Member

I would like to know if its possible to have multiple fields fill in another. for example

box A = result 1

box B  = result 2

box C =result 3

box X = result 2 - result 1 - result 3

7 Replies


Level 5

Sorry I didnt get exactly what you wanted. Could you plz expain bit more.



Former Community Member

5-30-2013 9-55-15 AM.jpg

I would like to have the system name state the D-Location-HWtag

D- comes from an action when clicking desktop I want the Location code to follow that and then the HW tag from the HW field.


Level 5

on click of desktop you need to concatinate D - Location - HWtag values.

systemName.rawValue = "D-" + location.rawValue + hwTag.rawValue;

Hope this helps.



Former Community Member

I am really new to this so I have it set to action on both Laptop Radio button to input "L-" or Desktop to input "D" the Location is a dropbox. 

Thank you so much for your help


Former Community Member

Would this be correct

TextField3 is the location where I want the data

LOCATION is the location dropdown

TextField13 is the HW tag

<field name=""TextField3""LOCATION""TextField13"" x="73.213mm" w="105.515mm" h="9mm">




                        <?templateDesigner StyleID aped3?>

                        <edge stroke="lowered"/>





               <font typeface="Myriad Pro"/>

               <margin topInset="1mm" bottomInset="1mm" leftInset="1mm" rightInset="1mm"/>

               <para vAlign="middle"/>

               <caption reserve="30.8423mm">

                  <font size="11pt" typeface="Arial" baselineShift="0pt" weight="bold"/>

                  <para vAlign="middle" spaceAbove="0pt" spaceBelow="0pt" textIndent="0pt" marginLeft="0pt" marginRight="0pt"/>


                     <text>System Name:</text>



               <calculate override="warning"/>

               <validate scriptTest="warning"/>



Level 5

On click on of Laptop :

TextField3 .rawValue ="L-"+ LOCATION .rawValue +TextField13 .rawValue;

On Click of Desktop

TextField3 .rawValue ="D-"+ LOCATION .rawValue +TextField13 .rawValue;

if these two are mutually exclusive then you can create Radio button list on the click event of it you can write the script.

To avoid null values in the TextField3 you can refer below answer of kyle




Former Community Member

You are awesome.  thank you this makes my job so much easier