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Is it possible to get multiple values from a script object to calculate a total in a field?


Level 4

I have a script object that populates fields.  There are two arrays, one for dates and one for values.

Snippet of script object:

//Array of closing dates.

var closingDate = new Array("",






//Array of closing values.

var closingValue = new Array(null,






//Populate the Closing Value fields

function getValue(ClosingDate, ClosingValue)


    var i;

    for (i = 0; i < closingDate.length; i++)


        if (closingDate[i] == ClosingDate)


            ClosingValue.rawValue = closingValue[i];





Only certain dates and values are displayed in the form.  The other dates and values are needed to calculate values during the year.  For instance, there is a field with the date of 1/3/2011 and another populated with the value of 1271.89; a field with 1/3/2012 and another populated with a value of 1227.06 (from the script object).  I would like a field to calculate the values between 1/3/2011 and 1/3/2012. I don’t want to have a field for each date between 1/3/2011 and 1/3/2012 and fields for each value because I would have hundreds of fields for dates and hundreds of fields for values.  Is there a way to pull multiple values from the script object and then add them together to display the total in a field?

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10


I suspect I'm still misunderstanding something here.  But, what I was suggesting was having a function defined in your script object like;

function getTotal(startDate, endDate)
var start = util.scand("m/d/yyyy", startDate).setHours(0,0,0,0);
var end = util.scand("m/d/yyyy", endDate).setHours(0,0,0,0);
var result = 0;
    var i;
    for (i = 1; i < closingDate.length; i++)
     var d = new Date(util.scand("m/d/yyyy", closingDate[i]).setHours(0,0,0,0));
     if (d.getTime() >= start && d.getTime() <= end)
      result += parseFloat(closingValue[i]);
    return result;

Then you would call it passing in the start and end dates, like;

{scriptobjectname}.getTotal("1/4/2011", "1/5/2011")

Change the "{scriptobjectname}" to whatever the name of the script object is.

Is that close?


View solution in original post

4 Replies


Level 10


If I understand the problem, it sounds like you need another function in your script object, like getTotal(startDate, endDate).

I think this would be easier if the closingDate values were date objects and the closingValue values were numeric values.  Is there a reason they aren't?




Level 4

Thanks for your response. 

Parts of the form to hopefully show what I’m trying to do:


The user enters a date in the “Issued on” field.  I have a script in each “Ending Date” field that adds one year and also calls the script object to find the Ending Date and then populate the “Closing Value” field.  I need to total all closing values from 10/21/2011 to 10/21/2012; total all closing values from 10/21/2012 to 10/21/2013 and so on.   There would be hundreds of closing values to add together because there is a closing value for each date in the year - which are stored in the script object. If I were to use another function in the script object like getTotal(startDate, endDate), how do I get all of the closing values from a start date to an end date?


Correct answer by
Level 10


I suspect I'm still misunderstanding something here.  But, what I was suggesting was having a function defined in your script object like;

function getTotal(startDate, endDate)
var start = util.scand("m/d/yyyy", startDate).setHours(0,0,0,0);
var end = util.scand("m/d/yyyy", endDate).setHours(0,0,0,0);
var result = 0;
    var i;
    for (i = 1; i < closingDate.length; i++)
     var d = new Date(util.scand("m/d/yyyy", closingDate[i]).setHours(0,0,0,0));
     if (d.getTime() >= start && d.getTime() <= end)
      result += parseFloat(closingValue[i]);
    return result;

Then you would call it passing in the start and end dates, like;

{scriptobjectname}.getTotal("1/4/2011", "1/5/2011")

Change the "{scriptobjectname}" to whatever the name of the script object is.

Is that close?



Level 4

This is exactly what I want.  Sorry I didn't respond until now, I had to rework my form and then I was pulled into another project.  Thanks so much!