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Is Adobe's Basic Tutorial Broken?


Level 1
I've installed Flex Builder 2, Data Services with Integrated
JRun, and gone through the sample applications which all work
beautifully (suggesting that everything installed correctly).
However, when I try to do the tutorials on creating FDS
applications such as
, it doesn't work. I get an error on load, which I'll type
below. In the tutorial it has you create a destination in your
data-management-config.xml file which I've done and all looks fine
there. I've checked and rechecked and I can't figure out where I
could be going wrong. Does this error message mean anything to
anyone? Thanks.

[RPC Fault faultString = "Send failed"
faultDetail="Channel.Connect.Failed error null"]



at mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()

at mx.messaging::ChannelSet/::faultPendingSends()

at mx.messaging::ChannelSet/channelFaultHandler()

at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()


2 Replies


Level 3
Did you specify a --services command line configuration
parameter? Is it pointing to the correct services-config.xml file?
Do any of the channel endpoints use uris that have tokens in them?
If so, do you have a {context.root} token in there? If so, did you
specify --context-root=/yourcontextpath in the command line params
too? Did you try a clean rebuild after saving each change to the
configuration file to ensure the swf was recompiled?


Level 1
I got it working. Thanks for the suggestions. i think your
last idea was the cause. I hadn't rebuilt after making changes to
the config files. But I'm not sure that's what solved it because I
also uninstalled and reinstalled and redid all the configs from
scratch. All-together, it solved it and I'm on my way to learning
ColdFusion, Flex, and Data Management Services!

Thanks again!