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Include field data in email body


Level 1

(Realized I posted this in the wrong forum originally.)

I am trying to include field data in the body of an email, rather than just as an XML attachment.  I've played with various bits of Javascript in the "click" event of a regular button but am failing miserably.

I am using something like this:

   var cToAddr = "******@*******.com";    var cSubLine = "Form X-1 returned from client";    var cBody = "Prospect data is as follows:" +                date + field1 + field2 + field3;    event.target.mailForm({bUI: true, cTo: cToAddr,                           cSubject: cSubLine, cMsg: cBody})

Or this:

var Comment = referredto.rawValue;
if (referredto.rawValue == null){ Comment = " "} else {Comment = referredto.rawValue};

event.target.submitForm({cURL:"mailto:XXXX@XXXX.com?subject=XXXX &body="+Comment+,"",cSubmitAs:"PDF",cCharset:"utf-8"});

Please help.  I don't know any JS or coding so need the syntax to be spelled out pretty clearly.

3 Replies


Level 1

I've gotten this far and am just trying to get the body text working... nothing's showing up there yet.

var mail;
var address = "XXXX@XXXX.com";
var subfirstname = firstname.rawValue;
var sublastname = lastname.rawValue;
var sublocation = location.rawValue;

mail = "mailto:" + address + "?subject=" + "New Prospect: "+ subfirstname + " " + sublastname + " in " + sublocation;

Body = sublocation;

event.target.submitForm({cURL: mail, cMsg: Body, cSubmitAs: "PDF",cCharset: "utf-8"});


Former Community Member

Are you getting any errors reported? Assuming you are using Acrobat - hit Ctrl-J, the java console will come up. That is where javascript errors will be reported. I assume that location has a value.

You may want to use a view app.alert statements to see what the value of your variables are. The syntax is

app.alert("The variable sublocation is: " + location);

or you can test the value of the field directly like this:

app.alert("The field location has this value: " + location.rawValue);



Level 1

I was actually able to get it working myself, using the following:

var mail;
var address = "xxxx@xxxx.com";
var firstname = firstname.rawValue;
var lastname = lastname.rawValue;
var location = location.rawValue;
var date = date.rawValue
var email = email.rawValue;
var phone = phone.rawValue;
var company = company.rawValue;
var heardabout = heardabout.rawValue;
var reasonforcall = reasonforcall.rawValue;
var referredto = referredto.rawValue;
var notes = notes.rawValue

var subject = "New Prospect: "+ firstname + " " + lastname + " in " + location;

body = "Date: " + date + "\n" + "Last Name: " + lastname + "\n" + "First Name: " + firstname + "\n" + "Phone: " + phone
      + "\n" + "Email: " + email + "\n" + "Company: " + company + "\n" + "Location: " + location + "\n" + "Heard about us from: " + heardabout
       + "\n" + "Reason for call: " + reasonforcall + "\n" + "Referred to: " + referredto + "\n" + "\n" + "Notes: " + "\n" + notes;
mail = "mailto:" + address + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body ;

event.target.submitForm({cURL: mail, cMsg: cBody, cSubmitAs: "PDF",cCharset: "utf-8"});