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I have a system that can only print PCL format to a networked printer. Can LiveCycle PDF Generator act as a solution for this?


Level 1

I would also like to know if PDF Generator could then direct the created PDF based on what it contains to various e-mail accounts.

2 Replies


Level 8

Yes a PDF converted with PDF/G can send the result to various email accounts.  It sounds like you want to take a file, convert it to PDF and then send that result to a PCL printer is that correct, if so I don't believe LC can provide it?  Or are you wanting to merge data with a template and produce PCL, LiveCycle can do this?


Level 1

I have a main system that I can generate reports in and designate a printer to print to once the report is finished.  I want that printer to be a virtual printer that creates a PDF.  I then the ability to have that PDF auto e-mailed to some address of my choosing.  Can PDF/G do this?

Thank you