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How to Unlock the fields using script which are locked after Signing


Level 2


I need to know how the fields can be unlocked using script which are locked after signing a Signature.


S.V.Satish Kumar

4 Replies



Hi Satish,

What is your usecase? Why would there be any need for someone to unlock locked fields after signing?

I guess in your case the form was designed using LiveCycle Designer , When a signature field is added "Lock fields after signing" checkbox is checked by default , If you do not want to lock any fields on signing just uncheck that check box in designer and save the form




Level 2


In my case only the customer can edit the data.The fields should be locked for Approver for editing.Whenever the form is sent to customer he can edit the data and send that form to Approver.I would also need to know the difference between locking fields using "access" property of the field and by Locking after signing the Signature field.


S.V.Satish Kumar



1) In that case design a form with two signature fields (say customerSignature , approverSignature)

2) Select the customeSignature field in LiveCycle Designer and , Check Lock Fields after signing check box and create a new collection list using the drop down under this checkbox (Select only those fields that need to be locked in collection list, so that approver cannot make any changes )

2) When customer downloads the form none of the fields are locked

3) Customer fills in the form and when he/she applies signature all the fields in the collection are locked which cannot be modified by anyone

4) The form in step 3 will be sent to approver , approver cannot make any changes to locked fields , If approver wants some changes to be made he can tell customer to make those changes and send the form

5) Customer can start from a fresh form or he/she can clear already applied signature (as in step 3) , when customer clear the signature the locked fields are unlocked and customer can make needed changes and apply a fresh signature (the fields are locked again on applying fresh signature)

6) The form in step 5 can be sent to approver , who can approver/reject it



Level 2

Hi Santosh,

Based on the action performed by Approver i need to unlock the fields for editing.

Also want to do that without clearing the Signature.A new Signature field will be displayed for the customer to sign at the second time(Now 3 Signatures, 1 Initailly Customer Signed, 2 Approver Signed , 3. Customer will sign after changing the data).


S.V.Satish Kumar