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How to release memory when deleting tiles?


Former Community Member

How can we release memory when removing tiles from a view?

Do we have to handle this inside the tile?

Or is it supposed to be done by the shell itself ?

Thank you!

5 Replies


Level 8

AFAIK the memory management of opening and closing tiles is handled by the Mosaic framework.  There is nothing that you should need to do as a tile developer.


Former Community Member

Thanks for the answer. However, I've made a little test application (with property allowContentDelete="true"), and where I can add tiles (very simple Flex tiles, with one label and two text input).

Adding and deleting tiles multiple times made the memory goes up, and was never released (Both Firefox and IE).

It is really important for us to get the memory released, as we have many large modules that can be loaded several times.

Any advice?

Thank you!

Update: With the same application, AIR seems to do a better job, but AIR is not an option for us.


Level 8

I spoke with the Developers about this issue.  Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an immediate solution:


Level 1


I'm also facing same problem, when I remove and add tiles in the view application crashes, Is there any fix for this?




Level 8

The original problem was with the Mosaic 9.0 product, and has been fixed since.  If you are seeing something similar with the current release (, then I suspect its another cause (although the symptoms may be similar).

Can you share the code segment that adds/removes the tile?