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How to make text field flow within content area?


Former Community Member

Guys, please anyone can help me out here.

I am making this form with LiveCycle Designer 7.0. I want this "Comment/Note" text field at the bottom of the page to flow WITHIN the content area (otherwise, it is going to overlap the Declaimer) and continue in the content area of next page.

The problem,

I have read many similar threads in the forum and I was able to get it flow. But it flows all over the same page. So far I was able to get it start a new page but it never reached the new page (always blank) but from the top of the same page, sometimes with little "cross box" at the corner.

What I have done,

I have a master page with two fields OUTSIDE content area as header and declaimer (at the bottom). I have TWO subforms, one STATIC and one FLOW for "Comment/Note" text field. BOTH root subform and flow subfrom are set to flow and autofit. Same as the "Comment/Note" text field.



1 Reply


Level 6

Sounds like you are missing some setting in the form design process. It is easy to make it work if we have the copy of the template. I would be able to help you if you can attach a copy.