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how to increase document Cache : Ignoring cache write as Object size is greater than Max Doc size


Former Community Member

<Warning> <com.adobe.formServer.common.cachemanager.CacheManager> <000000> <Ignoring cache write as Object size is greater than Max Document size in cache setting. Key=C:\\Adobe\\DocRoot\\/_12-15-50.xdp size =4699551>

<Sep 7, 2010 7:48:35 PM SGT> <Error> <com.adobe.idp.Document> <000000> <DOCS001: Unexpected exception. Failed to passivate Document due to an internal error..>

<Sep 7, 2010 7:48:35 PM SGT> <Error> <com.adobe.idp.Document> <000000> <DOCS001: Unexpected exception. An exception while handling a remote request.
com.adobe.idp.DocumentError: Failed to passivate Document due to an internal error
        at com.adobe.idp.Document.passivate(Document.java:755)
        at com.adobe.idp.DocumentCallback.handleRemotePassivation(DocumentCallba ck.java:144)
        at com.adobe.idp.DocumentCallback.handleRemotePassivation2(DocumentCallb ack.java:188)
        at com.adobe.idp._IDocumentCallbackImplBase._invoke(_IDocumentCallbackIm plBase.java:71)

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