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How to enable javascript


Level 2

Hi, I have a form that check for data validation using script. If the "Enable Acrobat JavaScript" is not check at the Adobe Reader, the form data validation will not be executed. How can I solve this problem? Any script to enable the javascript? There is this AddRequirement method for the document object, I tried but don't seem to work. Thank you.

14 Replies


Former Community Member

If javascript is disabled how can I execute javascript to check to see if it is disabled?



Level 1

You may not want to enable JavaScript yet. See Adobe PSIRT of May 1, 2009.

But if you want to enable JavaScript in Adobe Reader and Acrobat using the following instructions below:

1. Launch Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
2. Select Edit>Preferences
3. Select the JavaScript Category
4. Uncheck the ‘Enable Acrobat JavaScript’ option
5. Click OK


Level 2

Thank you for sharing. The point is that I designed a form with script validation on certain fields. If the user use an Adobe Reader with the setting for 'Enable Acrobat Javascript" not checked, those validations using script will not be executed. The form data will not be correct. How to warn user if the setting is not enable? Or don't even let the user to proceed on with opening the form. Is it possible? How to do it? Better still, if user open the form, the setting is enabled. Can do?


Level 10


Level 2

Thank you. I read the Adobe document about javascript API, there is this document object method AddRequirement that can check for the setting on the preference javascript category. Has anyone come across this method? Thank you.


Level 10

I think about all you can do is the method in that blog post - and put a message in that tells people they need to enable javascript to use the form.

If javascript is disabled there's not going to be any way to use javascript to do anything.


Level 3

Hi Adobe_Learning (I'm learning too!) :-)

I too have developed a LC form using JS. I just tested with Acrobat Read 9 by turning off JS, as described in this post. When I went to open my form, the reader gave a warning and asked if I wanted to turn JavaScript on.

This tells me that YOU don't have to do anything within the form. However, if you have a document or set of instructions that go with your form, you probably want to address that issue there -- tell users that they need JS turned on

Good Luck!


Level 2

Thank you... The problem is that some user might choose not to follow the instruction that was prompted. Is there a way to prevent user from proceeding on with the editing of the form if javascript is not enabled. The Adobe document mentioned the AddRequirement function. I just can't get it work.


Level 10

If you follow the instructions from the site I posted, there's no way anybody can work with the form if javascript is disabled because there's no form displayed until they enable javascript.


Level 2

If half-way through the form, the user turn off the javascript, is there any way the form get any notification or event?


Level 10

I don't know. I don't think so, again if javascript gets disabled there won't be any way to do anything with javascript.

I find it unlikely that someone would turn off javascript half-way through filling out a form. But, I guess you never know what someone might attempt.


Level 2

Thank you...Appreciate your effort. I guess there is no perfect solution for this scenario...


Level 1

how do i enable javascript on a moble using adobe acrobate reader ?


Level 2

Hi All,

We too are facing the same issue , we created a dynamic pdf using form designer and included javascripts to execute on them.

The javascript doesn't get executed on the client machine unless we click on enable all features button.

Does anybody has a solution for the same?