I'm lost here, I use LiveCycle Designer ES and I'm trying to fix few fields to interact with each other in pdf. I've studied few examples, calculation field has marked in value tab "Calculated - Read Only" and code is added in Script editor (Ctrl+Shift+F5)
What I am trying to do is add two numbers inserted by user and display score in third field. I've created 3 "Numeric Fields" named:
last ones value is set to "Calculated- Read Only".
I mark last field and go to script editor (ctrl+shift+f5 or window->script editor)
there I set language for Java Script (which is enabled btw) and I put either seen in some AA9pro examples (like holidays chart)
Sum(NumericField1, NumericField2);
or seen in adobe javascript tutorial
var f = this.getField("NumericField1");
var g = this.getField("NumericField2");
event.value = f.value + g.value; //or NumericField3 instead of event.value
none of these couses any errors in syntax checker and none of this works. What do I do wrong?
Please advice.