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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

How can I do my own validation of a form


Level 2

I have a LiveCycle form with 3 tables that the number of rows can vary.  I would like to validate the table by saying any row with at least one column value in it must have all columns filled.  Any row with all blank columns can be considered valid.How would I do this?



3 Replies


Level 10

//Using a click_event on a button

//create a bool variable

var boValidate = true;

//create a string variable for somExpressions

var strExpression = "";

for (var i = 0; i < xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1").instanceManager.count; i++){

     if (xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell1").rawValue != null || xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell2").rawValue != null ||

          xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell3").rawValue != null || xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell4").rawValue != null){

          if (xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell1").rawValue == null){

               boValidate = false;

               strExpression = xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell1").somExpression;

          }else if(xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell2").rawValue == null){

               if (boValidate){

                    boValidate = false;

                    strExpression = xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell2").somExpression;


          }else if(xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell3").rawValue == null){

               if (boValidate){

                    boValidate = false;

                    strExpression = xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell3").somExpression;


          }else if(xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell4").rawValue == null){

               if (boValidate){

                    boValidate = false;

                    strExpression = xfa.resolveNode("Page1.Table1.Row1[" + i.toString() + "].Cell4").somExpression;





//the code above is only for one table... you can add as many validation as you want with this

//by verifying if boValidate is always true, you can only take the somExpression of the first field that failed validation

if (!boValidate){

     //at the end of the validation here you focus on the first object that validation has failed


} else{

     //send email

     //print form



Level 2

This example is helpful.  I am just missing how to do the validation.  Would I run this code from my submit button on the form and cancel the submit if the anything is invalid?  How would I do this?




Level 10

I would just put the code inside a normal button, if you need to submit, print, save, or send by email you can always do it in a normal button