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How can I create a phone number field that will accept 999-999-9999 as the format entered?


Level 1

I'm comfortable with most aspects of Livecycle but I am having a problem with the 'phone' fields. I want to be able to type in a phone number (in the value field) like this 999-999-9999. The field wont allow it. It appears that the only way to enter the numbers is 999999999. And after the numbers are entered, and you 'tab' the format changes to include commas - 9999,999,999  Can someone help me?

5 Replies


Level 10

Use a text field instead of a numeric field.


Level 1

Thank you! I was just now playing around with it and realized that J

Is there a particular was to ‘save’ the form so that anyone who has Adobe reader can fill out the form and save it?

Candace Earnhart

Office Manager

IN Media Division

@HomeIN Magazine, LLC



Level 10

You can Extend the form using Acrobat, under Advanced>Extend Features in Adobe Reader (may be in a different place depending on your version of Acrobat).


Level 1

How do I create a text box that will accept numbers, letters and punctuation?

Candace Earnhart

Office Manager

IN Media Division

@HomeIN Magazine, LLC



Level 10

You should be able to just change the field type from Numeric Field to Text Field on the Object palette.