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Former Community Member

I'm trying to convert a wordperfect document to a adobe pdf doc. It is hanging up after 2 seconds? Does this have anything to do with popups? Also, on the lower right of my desktop the Adobe icon is spinning and it states it "creating", but nothing happening. This has been happening for hours? Please advise

1 Reply


Level 4

I'd first check to make sure that you're running WordPerfect 12, which is the current supported version.  I believe it is the same version in both ES and ES2.

After that, you might want to look in the Cafe tool (http://adobe.com/go/cafe) and do a search on "generator Wordperfect" and found the TechNote at http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/402/kb402754.html

Other than that, I'd suggest a call to support.

BTW, Cafe rocks and is a great place to start looking for solutions.