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Handling of Metal On El Capitan Question


Level 1

I am deeply disappointed at the way adobe employees are handling questions about what was supposed to be one of the best features of the new mac osx.

First the issue itself.

Adobe showed desktop apps running on Metal at the last wwdc.

This was not some internal tech blog "hinting" at "possibilities".

Millions of people watched it.

Quite frankly, for adobe users, this was one of the main reasons to upgrade..

Now, I'm not going into the internal politics or the reasons that adobe won't be supporting Metal any time soon,

But there is a way to treat your customers with a little dignity.

No one is going to stop using cc because it's not magically 8x faster.

But i know a lot of people who have been waiting since June to see what's in store.

I think at the bare minimum, after many people rushed to install the os x update,

You can say, guys were sorry, but this isn't happening after all.

Or maybe explain a bit on why this has been pushed back.

But to go as far as to say the guy at wwdc misspoke, and imply that we are all geeks for thinking adobe and metal is coming...

We deserve better.

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