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Getting Runtime error while including pdf doc with Form guides.


Former Community Member


I have urgent requirement where  I have to capture  the data  in the PDF doc   what user enters into the  form Guides.

I am trying this on ES2.

I followed the steps what  they  mentioned at ::  http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/workbenchHelp/help.htm - >>Creating  Guides using LiveCycle  Workbench ES2 ->  Including the PDF doc with a document.

They  mentioned that we have  to create form design (pdf) with same data  model.. But When i tries to create form design by  including the data  model ..  it is  not allowing to me  save as pdf and  its telling that we have to save as xdp only.   So saved as xdp only and followd all the same  steps what they  mentioned  ..  but we are getting error like  :::

2010-01-07 17:13:08,227 ERROR [com.adobe.idp.workflow.dsc.invoker.WorkflowDSCInvoker] An exception was thrown with name com.adobe.repository.ResourceNotFoundException message: ALC-REP-018-000: Resource

[/Form/SampleFormGuides/1.0/Form/MyInformation.xdp] does not exist or you do not have sufficient rights to access it. while invoking service RepositoryService and operation readResourceContent and no fault routes were found to be configured.

Please find my  form guide setting  to invoke my  REST URL.. and my process.

please  help  me  in this regard ,,,,,

2 Replies


Former Community Member


I got the same error below while trying to pull the form which was working fine before. Does any one have any idea? Please advise.

Thanks in advance,

Han Dao


Former Community Member

Hi Han,

The  problem  might  be in path of the resources. Please check the  path  for the pdf you includes at form guide.

Please check concat( ) operation  .. make sure that it is correct and pointing as per your work bench.


At Configuring the REST endpoint for the PDF render service:,   6th  point  , please select   as System level rather than INVOKE_PERM.

I hope it helps.

